Digging up dirt

Digging up dirt

At the end of August 2020, our contractors at WSP performed cone penetration tests (CPTs) at the West Biddle Dam site, and collected soil samples. The test is called a cone penetration test because it consists of a cone attached to a rod that is pushed into the soil...
A walk on the geophysics side!

A walk on the geophysics side!

On September 3rd and 4th 2020 an electrical resistivity and a self-potential survey were performed. The purpose of these two surveys is to identify seepage areas. A seepage area is an area where ground water is flowing along paths under and around the dam. Both...
We’re Replacing the Dam!

We’re Replacing the Dam!

We hope you enjoyed our first Campfire Conversation with Columbia Springs webinar on June 24th. We aim to host a series of presentations and conversations throughout the year to share important updates to our programs and our site with you.    Many of you already...