The chum salmon, also known as Oncorhynchus keta, is a species of Pacific salmon that is native to the lower Columbia River. Historically, chum salmon were abundant in the river, and they played an important role in the diets of indigenous communities and the local ecosystem. However, in the early 20th century, the population of chum salmon in the lower Columbia River began to decline due to overfishing, habitat loss, predation, and other human activities. These fish are now listed as threatened in the Columbia River under the Endangered Species Act.

Over the past few decades, efforts have been made to recover the chum salmon population in the lower Columbia River. These efforts have involved a variety of strategies, including habitat restoration, hatchery programs, and fishery management. While progress has been made, much work remains to be done to ensure the long-term survival of this important species.

One of the key strategies for chum salmon recovery in the lower Columbia River has been habitat restoration. This involves improving the quality and quantity of habitat available to the fish, including areas for spawning, rearing, and migration. In recent years, a number of projects have been undertaken to restore habitat in the lower Columbia River, including the removal of dams and other barriers to fish passage, the planting of vegetation along riverbanks, and the creation of new habitats such as side channels and wetlands.

Another important strategy for chum salmon recovery has been the use of hatchery programs. These programs involve the rearing and release of chum salmon in order to supplement the wild population and increase the overall numbers of fish. While hatcheries have been controversial in some cases, they have been effective in increasing the number of chum salmon in the lower Columbia River. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Vancouver Trout Hatchery rears chum salmon as part of these recovery efforts. The program at our site rears as many as 500,000 chum salmon eggs annually.

In addition to habitat restoration and hatchery programs, fishery management has also played a role in chum salmon recovery. This involves regulating fishing activity to ensure that the population is not overexploited. In the lower Columbia River, chum salmon are protected under the Endangered Species Act. Fishing for this species is currently prohibited.

Despite these efforts, there are still significant challenges to chum salmon recovery in the lower Columbia River. One of the biggest of these is the ongoing loss of habitat due to development and other human activities. In addition, climate change is expected to have a significant impact on the survival of chum salmon in the region, as rising temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns can alter the conditions that the fish need to survive and reproduce.

To address these challenges, continued investment in habitat restoration, hatchery programs, and fishery management will be necessary. In addition, there is a need for increased public awareness and education about the importance of chum salmon and the need for their protection. By working together, government agencies, organizations like Columbia Springs, and local communities can help ensure that this important species continues to thrive in the lower Columbia River.